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Key Excerpts from Mele Kyari's Speech Atlanta Council's Global Energy Forum

“Nigeria is currently witnessing increased domestic gas demand in the industrial and power sectors, leading to increased production and reduced gas flaring.”

“Nigeria has also witnessed increased household access to gas networks and LPG in the main cities. There are deliberate plans to expand that access to rural areas."

"There are conscious efforts most recently by the Federal Government aimed at deepening domestic gas consumption through the use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas."

"We are not just a Petroleum country, we are a gas-rich nation. We are utilising the available resources of today to create the opportunities of tomorrow."

Key Excerpts from Mele Kyari's Speech Atlanta Council's Global Energy Forum Reviewed by Afis Olanrewaju on January 21, 2021 Rating: 5
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