US President Joe Biden
By Abdullahi Sabiu
It is often said that whatever has a beginning must have an end. This golden rule doesn't apply to only good things. It also applies to evil. It applies to racism, narcism, anarchy, chaos, confusion, lawlessness, misogyny, xenophobia and all the evil that things the English Dictionary can recall.
The above and many more are what the United States of America has shockingly been known for in the last four years. They are of course the lifetime attributes of a certain misnomer who Americans made the grave error of ever letting him get near the Oval Office.
By the time the full story of this aberration and his chaotic Presidency is told, generations of Americans would continue to live with the regret of ever letting him rubbish all the ideals, democratic credentials and global reckoning that took them 244 years to build.
A serial fraudster, false billionaire, tax evader, faux Christian and manipulative liar, Donald John Trump ran the country as a personal fiefdom like a typical third world dictator and nearly ran it aground with the help of his equally ethically-challenged circle made up of family members and villains like Rudi Gulliani, Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Josh Howley and many more.
He built stupid walls, separated parents from their kids and put the kids in cages, banned Muslim countries who he calls terrorists from entering the country, banned Mexicans who he called rapists and drug barons from entering America and placed Nigeria which he called a hut, and other countries he called shithole on visa restriction.
He supervised the killing of about 400,000 Americans by a virus he mismanaged and said never existed. He divided the country along racial and religious lines, armed his white supremacists and terrorists with enough lies (he was reported to have told about 20,000 lies in his four years in office) to last them a whole lifetime, and called them out to launch an unprecedented terrorist attack on the Capitol Hill to stop the affirmation of Joe Biden's victory. They killed, they maimed and they destroyed...
Now that Joe Biden's sense has replaced Trump's nonsense, America can breathe again and the whole civilized world can heave a sigh of relief. Even while it will take a lot of work to undo Trump's madness and restore the country's sanity, the new Sheriff in town has within hours of getting to office proven that the job is doable and he's adequately prepared for it.
He has hit the ground running by signing about 17 Executive Orders which among other consequences would repeal the immigration ban on those Muslim countries and lift the visa restriction on Nigerians and other countries. It's looking like the first 100 days of Biden will be the beginning of the repudiation of the terrible Trump legacy.
Biden has also giving Kamala Harris to the world; millions of girls from all over the world must have been inspired by the rise of America's first female Vice President, first Black American and first South Asian to hold that office.
It's a new dawn in America and there are more interesting times ahead.
May Joe Biden and Kamala Harris succeed.